Due to various manufacturing issues, component failures, etc… Some boards we receive have a defects. While in some cases, the defects can easily be fixed or components replaced, it may be impossible to source the components that are needed or it may be to difficult to replace. These boards have various issues, but they may be usable for someone. Rather than discard the boards, we’d like to offer them at a discount in hopes that someone can find use for them.
When new versions of products are released, we sometimes have extra inventory of the previous version that is sold “while supplies last” at a discount.
Currently, there are two versions of the K16:
- K16 v1.2 – this is the original K16 style with the normal mini-blade fuses. This will come pre-mounted on a BeagleBone Black and a 64GB SD card with FPP installed
- K16 v2.0 – this is the first version of the K16 with the two power banks and using the 5-18V eFuses. This will come pre-mounted on a BeagleBone Black and a 64GB SD card with FPP installed
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